Listing Sponsor

TP ICAP Midcap is Listing Sponsor on Euronext Growth Paris for more for more than 40 companies who trust us.

Proximity is one of our core values. In order to best address your issues, we ensure continuous monitoring carried out directly by the senior members of our teams.

Liquidity contract

The objective of the Liquidity Contract is to promote the liquidity and regularity of your stock's quotations, while respecting a principle of independence, and avoiding price shifts that are not justified by market trends.

TP ICAP Midcap, registered as a Liquidity Provider with Euronext Paris, offers a professional, independent and sophisticated service through a dedicated team of traders and IT specialists.

Support contract

In order to optimize the market's perception of your company, TP ICAP Midcap supports and advises you on a daily basis in your stock market strategy, through Financial Analysis and Stock Market Marketing contracts:
- Offer investors a qualitative analysis
- Increase the visibility of your stock in the market
- Strengthen your relationship with investors

In 2022, nearly 80 listed companies trust us to provide them support on a daily basis.

Share buyback

As part of the share buyback program voted at the General Assembly, TP ICAP Midcap offers you an independent and specialized negotiation on this type of transaction.